If you are a business owner, you can sign up here under "Business Signup"
No, as a visitor, if you are simply browsing through the website, you do not require an account to do so. However, any form of activity ? writing reviews, subscribing or buying deals or coupons
Though there are no restrictions on Users & Business Owners as such, we want the content on the website to be non-offensive & clean without any ulterior motives or agendas. Kindly go through our General Guidelines, Contetnt Guidelines & Code of Conduct. Any non-adherence may warrant action on our behalf. Else, Dkart is your canvas. Paint your world.
As long as you carry yourself like a normal individual and behave as how you would behave in a social gathering in a civilized society, we're pretty sure you won't cause any problems.
But let's just say you're bored out of your mind one day, give it a read. Or even better, trouble falling asleep? You know what to do! (It has been known to cure insomnia as well)
Many kinds of businesses are listed on Dkart. Once you know what you're looking for (whether that's a specific business or a broader category), you can try entering your search terms in the search bar and specifying where you're looking.
Once you perform a search, there are many filtering options you can choose from to refine it. For example, there are buttons for price, open now, etc., and you can click All Filters or tap See All for more - which is where you'll be able to find neighbourhoods, distance, etc.
On the landing page of the website, on the left hand side, you will find some of our most popular Parent Categories like Shopping, Beauty & Spas, Local Services, Home Services, Restaurants, etc. You can see the complete list of Parent Categories on the top right hand side as well (amongst other tabs ? events, message board, Legal).
Each Parent Category has a number of sub-categories. For example, Beauty & Spas has Salons, Spas, Massage Parlours, Makeup Artists, etc. as its sub-categories. Similarly, Home Services has Plumbers, Electricians, Handyman, Carpenter, Pest Control, etc. as its sub-categories. You can see the complete list of their respective Sub-Categories by clicking on your choice of Parent Category.
Each Sub-Category has the relevant local business listing which you can view by clicking on them or after applying your choice of filters.
How do I write a review?
Once you're logged in, you can locate the business you're trying to review by using the search bar located at the top of any page on the website. Enter what you're looking for in the first window (either a specific business or a category), and the location in the second. There are also search filters you can use to narrow your results. Once you've located the business page, it's simple: click or tap Write a Review and you'll be led through the remaining steps to finish.
What kind of places can I review on Dkart?
There are so many other places that you can review on Dkart. "What kind of places" you ask?
Well, did you recently stay at a great (or not-so great) hotel on your last vacation? You could review that! Have an awesome (or not-so-awesome) gardener that everyone needs to know about? Write a review of your most recent experience with them. Doctor? Check. Architect? Yup. Spa & Message Centres? Done! Heck, you can even review that park down the street that has only, like, one tree in it. One tree!? You have got to be kidding me?!!
So go ahead, review all your favourite spots, from restaurants to zoos; you too can help others find "just the perfect place".
What should I include in my review?
The best reviews are passionate and personal. They offer a rich narrative, a wealth of detail, and a helpful tip or two for other consumers. Think about your recent experience at a business ? could you put details in there that would help future consumers like you?
- Try detailing your favourite (or least favourite) dishes at your local restaurant or your favourite barber/hair stylist at your local parlour.
- Talk about an experience that will keep you coming back (or staying away) for years to come.
- Highlight an employee who went the extra mile to make your experience memorable.
- Include Tips about the best time to arrive, where to park, or where the best seating is.
- Describe why you?ll be using this service (plumber, caterer, contractor, etc.) again for your next project.
Though we do not have any limitations on the length of a typical review, try and write at least 3-4 sentences or about 50 words in your review or make it at least as long as a tweet! You should aim to keep your review accurate and reflective of a genuine, personal experience. For example, personal opinions ("the food here is the best) are good, but speculation or exaggeration ("they probably use dog meat in their burgers) is something we frown upon.
You can edit your review & star rating for the business as well. It is recommended you should post the review basis your most recent experience. Check our Content Guidelines& Code of Conductfor more.